How to analyze race/ism in interaction – registration

How to analyze race/ism in interaction - registration

NB: Registration is now closed. You may still use this link to donate to the event, but it will not result in registration.


Register for: How to analyze race/ism in interaction

We have developed tiered registration costs for this workshop. The goal of tiered registration is to adjust for systemic inequities among workshop participants based on intersections of class, race, ethnicity, colonial history, gender, sexuality, and/or ability. Please select from the following options:

  • Supporting $100 USD: This is the full price of the event. Please pay this if you benefit from being a part of a privileged group, you can easily pay for housing and leisure expenses, or if you enjoy institutional support for conferences and events.
  • Sustaining $50 USD: Please pay this discounted price if you benefit from living in a privileged environment but on a tight budget, making leisure and unexpected expenses difficult, in full-time education, or lacking institutional support for events.
  • Reduced $20 USD: Please pay this subsidised rate if you consider yourself to be in a disadvantaged group or environment, have difficulty accessing hard currency, have no income or a low enough income that it is a challenge to meet basic needs.

ISCA Discount: regardless of which choice you make current members of ISCA will also receive a 10% discount (ISCA members click here to register).

Given the intersecting nature of identities and the very heterogenous experience of people in the world (something we will be discussing) we trust that participants will select the registration option that best fits themselves. We anticipate that some participants with institutional support or independent financial means may wish to contribute at a higher level in order to support the work or that conversely some with significant financial means may rightly choose reduced rates reflecting the intergenerational harms they are subject to. We support whichever choice you feel is best. 

We will not be policing or judging people's choices, but we do welcome questions at

Note that membership of ISCA is similarly discounted if you cannot afford or access means to pay the standard membership fee (see the ISCA 'join' page).